2010年1月25日 星期一


"How real was the threat of Communist spies within the USA?"
To the USA, the threat of communist spies is very real; and the USA took it very seriously. An example could be the loyalty oaths(1947), where hundreds of government workers lost their jobs for being “potentially” disloyal.
Another example would be the Alger Hiss case(1950) and Rosenberg trail(1953). The reality of being betrayed by their own people raised the fears of the USA towards spies, also the threat of communist party became stronger.
"Is it fair to say that the anxiety caused in the US due to Nuclear threat, was useful and 'healthy?' (security of the nation . . . = its health).
It is somehow not fair to say that the anxiety caused in the US due to Nuclear threat was useful and healthy. As the Federal Civil Defense Administration(1951) had intended to train the USA citizens to evacuate under nuclear threat; however, did not work. Yet, created protesters against the organization.

