Articles written in HA! , or by Zinn or Schweikart performed different perspectives upon the immigrants in US. In HA! , it states that the nativists do not welcome the immigrants, and the Anti- immigrants feelings are rising throughout the US. In Zinn’s article, he also agrees the fact that Anti- feelings were rising. Moreover he mentions about a group of people who are call the KKK (Ku Klux Klan), which a group of violent nativists who kills immigrants to show their anger and power. Yet in Schweikart’s article, he declares that the KKK is nothing to afraid, and says that they were losing members each year.
Secondly, HA! Claimed that literal groups such as ALCU were formed to protect the immigrants and declares freedom speech. In Zinn’s article, he also agrees that liberal groups were forming, though he says that due to the strong force of nativist group, the liberal groups could nearly do nothing to help which is consider not as effective. In Schweikart’s article, even though he agrees the fact of the liberal groups were in action, however, he stated that the liberal groups spends more time attacking their motives and their character.
Lastly, HA! mentioned that the governments even took sides upon the situation. And without a doubt, the governments supported the nativists, making laws which limits the immigrants coming to US. In Zinn’s article, he also fully agrees with the fact that the governments tend to ignore the immigrants and chooses their original citizens. However, in Schweikart’s srticle, he seems to remain silent against the issue by no mentioning it.